Rain Forest

by Michael Angelo Batio

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 20, 2012, 4:30 p.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary


No Boundaries

Song Author


Tabbed by



1st → Lead Guitar
2nd → Rythm Guitar
3rd → Lead Guitar (doubling)
4th → Keyboard
5th → Bass
6th → Drumsssions

File Size

50 KB




EN Hard song to transcribe, because there is a lot of very fast tapping (MAB like that) and fast shredding. Play it with a Marshall, a medium distortion and more bass than treble. The bass guitar is not exactly transcribed, because it's hard to hear. Good luck and be patient for the 2nd part ;-) If you have questions: yves-mindren@hotmail.com FR Morceau difficile � tabber � cause de passage en tapping rapide (MAB aime bien �a) et des passages tr�s rapides. A jouer avec un Marshall, une distortion temp�r�e et plus de bass que d'aigus. La bass n'est pas exacte parcequ'elle est difficile � entendre. Bonne chance et soyez patients pour la deuxi�me partie ;-) Si vous avez des questions: yves-mindren@hotmail.com